Tuesday 5 April 2011

Online Shopping - Know Your Rights

Have you ever heard of the Distance Selling Regulations?? Probably not but it's worth taking a look at them. I can hear your moans already people so I'll give you the highlights. (There's that sigh of relief)

The Distance Selling Regulations apply to any items purchased where you can't touch the item i.e. online, from the TV, phone, mail order etc. They give every customer a 7 day 'cooling off' period on any orders placed in which you are entitled to cancel or return your order. Therefore within this time period you are entitled to return anything that doesn't meet your expectations.

Now, most companies will allow a longer period for returns but the 7 day period gives you the ability to get your delivery charge back. You simply need to inform the company where you purchased the item/s that you will be making a return within 7 days. This doesn't mean you have to return the items within the 7 days, just that you need to inform the company that you will be making the return. You should then return the item/s within a reasonable time frame (isn't it brilliant that you don't have to rush down to the post office?).

A number of companies have been caught flouting these rules, Next being the main one caught out in the news and most will now have ensured that they are adhering to the regulations but always make sure that you are getting what you are entitled to.

Check out the following for more details:


If you have any problems you know where I am!

Thursday 3 March 2011

Top Tips on getting what you paid for.

1.       Be assertive
2.       Know that you are entitled to good service
3.       Stand up for your rights as a consumer
4.       Don’t back down. Persistence is key!
5.       Be prepared to do some legwork

We often encounter poor or negligent service when dealing with large companies. Most stores have become complacent and assume that we will always spend our hard earned money with them.  I always think ‘I spent a long time earning the money in the bank’ and I want to make sure that when I spend it I get the ultimate satisfaction from my purchase.   I enjoy shopping whether it is online or in store but the purchase itself isn’t the whole experience.  I like getting good service and the personal touch goes a long way. 

A lot of your average high street retailers are now ‘cottoning on’ to this notion and many of them are looking for ways to improve the customer experience. You’ll notice in many stores you can leave feedback on the service that you receive.  This is our greatest opportunity as customers to get what we pay for.  Don’t be afraid to ask for things that you are entitled to and make sure that you take any issues that you have up with the store manager (either service or product issues).  If the manager of the store isn’t empowered to assist you there is always an opportunity to contact the company directors. Once you have contacted the people in power you will nearly always get what you were entitled to.

If you don’t ask, you don’t get!

As always, feel free to ask me any of your questions. I’m here to help.

Friday 18 February 2011

Why are we always so happy to stand in queues??

The British are known for being happy to wait around in queues without saying a word. We aren't disagreeable people and we often won't speak up unless we are pushed to the very limit of our patience. Apparently people have a lot more patience than I ever realised. You only have to go to your local supermarket on a Saturday afternoon to notice how much people love to hang around in queues.  We also don’t speak up if we aren’t being given a fair deal, whether it is online or in store. So why are we so happy to put up with poor service?  The answer is we aren’t. We’re just too worried to ‘embarrass’ ourselves in front of other people if we comment or complain. Maybe we’d all feel more comfortable with making our feelings heard if we knew what we were entitled to.

Well that’s what I’m here for; to offer you some valuable advice, and moral support, so that you have the confidence to ‘fight for your rights’ to good service and fair treatment. Whether you were treated unfairly in store, or didn’t receive your online order, I am here to help. With years of experience behind, and in front of, the ‘counter’ I have answers to almost all of your customer service quandaries.

Go on…make a stand!

(Coming soon: Top Tips to getting what you pay for)